BPCC Cyber Center

Bossier Parish Community College is a leader in information security education, curriculum development, and faculty training, in Northwest Louisiana and across the state. BPCC works to foster and create opportunities for interdisciplinary activities, continues to develop and support both credit and continuing academic programs, facilitates efforts to obtain extramural funding, and serves as a link between the academic and professional communities.
Goals and Objectives:
- Provide the necessary resources and motivation to enable community college students to become effective professionals in the ever-increasing cyber-enabled economy
- Assist students in job placement and career planning
- Improve the cyber security posture of the college so its constituents can fully benefit from the ongoing cyber revolution
- Build relationships and enter partnerships with other institutions of higher education, government organizations, and the business community to facilitate solutions to the growing need for a qualified workforce
- Raise awareness for security issues within the country, region, and state
Business and Information Technology Dean
- Quentin Calhoun - responsible for curriculum, classes, and faculty pertaining to the Bossier Parish Community College Cyber Security Program.
- Chris Rondeau, Professor, Program Director of Network Security, Advisor for Cyber Security, POC for CAE/DHS Project
- Dr. Paul Weaver, Professor, Program Director for Computer Information Systems
- Randy Haley, Instructor, Program Director for System Administration
- Steven Turner, Instructor, Program Director for Software Development
- Eric Freeman, Instructor
- Jeremy Green, Instructor
- Steven Hall, Instructor
Faculty members’ qualifications to teach.
- Chris Rondeau, Bachelor’s degree in Business Education, Master of Education in Educational Technology. ITF+, A+, Network+, Security+, CNSS, 4011, 4012, 4013, 4014, 4015, 4016, iC3, Adobe Certified Associate – Rich Media Communication, Adobe Certified Associate Web Communication, CSEC Certified Instructor, CISCO ICND, Project+, HealthIT, ACE, CHFIv8, Microsoft Networking Fundamentals, CISCO Certified Instructor, Microsoft Mobility and Devices Fundamentals. crondeau@bpcc.edu, 318-678-6317
- Randy Haley, Bachelor’s in Liberal Arts minor in Computer Science, Master’s in Information Security & Assurance. A+, Network+, Security+, ACE, ITF+. rhaley@bpcc.edu, 318-678-6243
- Paul Weaver, Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice, Master’s degree in Systems Technology, Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction, Microsoft Office Specialist Master Level, CNSS 4011, 4012, CSEC Certified Instructor. paweaver@bpcc.edu, 318-678-6374
- Steven Turner, Bachelor’s degree in Communication: New Media, Minor in Computer Science, Master’s degree in Computer Systems Technology: Computer Science. OCA Java SE8 Developer, AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner. sturner@bpcc.edu, 318-678-6549
- Eric Freeman, Bachelor’s degree in Network Operations and Security, Western Governors University; MAT, Mississippi Valley State University; MBA, Western Governors University. CompTIA A+, Network+, Security+, Project+, aPHR. efreeman@bpcc.edu, 318-678-6094
- Jeremy Green, Masters of Science in Computer Systems Technology, CoFounder of a local IT/Managed Services company, experience working in all aspects of Software Development, managed multiple software development teams and products, experience converting companies to use devops pipelines, ITF+, DataSys+, Certified Scrum Master, Certified Scrum Professional. jgreen@bpcc.edu, 318-678-6531
- Steven Hall, Bachelor Degree in Business Administration, Bachelor Degree in Theology, and Master Degree in Theology. shall@bpcc.edu, 318-678-6225
Student Development
Our program provides development opportunities for students that lead to a two year associate’s degree or a certificate in Cyber Security. To understand the scope of student opportunities enjoyed by Bossier Parish Community College students, it is important to understand the uniqueness of its setting.
Military |
The 2d Bomb Wing conducts the primary mission of Barksdale Air Force Base, La., with three squadrons of B-52H Stratofortress bombers – the 11th Bomb Squadron, which is the training squadron, the 20th Bomb Squadron and the 96th Bomb Squadron. Together they ensure the 2d Bomb Wing provides flexible, responsive, global combat capability, autonomously or in concert with other forces, and trains all active-duty and reserve B-52 crews. The 2d Bomb Wing was assigned to the Air Force Global Strike Command on February 1, 2010. Air Force Global Strike Command will provide combat ready forces to conduct strategic nuclear deterrence and global strike operations in support of combatant commanders. More than 15,000 active-duty, Air Force Reserve members and civilians make up Barksdale’s workforce. About 44 B-52 Stratofortress aircraft are also assigned to the wing. |
Civilian |
The Cyber Innovation Center is a 501c3 not-for-profit corporation located in Bossier City, Louisiana. The CIC is the anchor of a 3,000 acre National Cyber Research Park and serves as catalyst for the development and expansion of a knowledge-based workforce throughout the region. The Cyber Innovation Center/National Cyber Research Park works to create a knowledge-based workforce and diversify the region’s economic base by promoting research, education, and technological innovation and fostering collaborative and strategic alliances between governmental agencies, private industry, and academic institutions. |
Many of these employees and their dependents are Bossier Parish Community College students, as Bossier Parish Community College is located approximately five miles from the gates of Barksdale and right next door to the Cyber Innovation Center, GDIT, and Louisiana Tech Research Institute.
- Associate of Applied Science:
- Computer Information Systems
- Cyber Security
- Software Development
- Systems Administration (DevOps)
- Systems Administration (Cloud Computing)
- Certificate of Technical Studies:
- Health Information Security
- Information Systems Security Professionals
- Programming for Digital Gaming
- Senior Systems Managers
- Career and Technical Certificate:
- Cisco Certified Network Associate
- Cloud Computing
- Computer Repair
- Data Analytics
- Fiber Optics
- Help Desk
- Linux
- Network Security
- Software Applications
- Virtualization
- Web Design
- Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
- Certified Associate in Health Information and Management Systems (CAHIMS)
- CIW Advanced HTML5 & CSS3
- CIW JavaScript Specialist
- CompTIA A+
- CompTIA Cloud+
- CompTIA Data+
- CompTIA IT Fundamentals+
- CompTIA Network+
- CompTIA Pentest+
- CompTIA Project+
- CompTIA Security+
- CompTIA Server+
- Help Desk Institute Support Center Analyst (HDI-SCA)
- Microsoft Access
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Microsoft Word
- Oracle Certified Junior Associate, Java Foundation
- Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE Programmer I
- Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA)
Articulation agreements with high schools to facilitate awareness and training for faculty/administration/students
Bossier Parish Community College works with area schools in several separate parishes to facilitate awareness and training for faculty and students. Students completing dual enrollment courses will obtain college credit toward the appropriate associate in applied science degree awarded by Bossier Parish Community College.
At this time we have agreements (MOI and crosswalk) with multiple schools and school districts in Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, Claiborne, DeSoto, Natchitoches, Red River, and Webster parishes. We currently have several credentialed high school teachers who teach CTEC courses on the high school campuses.
The need for Cyber Security is recognized and demonstrated across our campus in multiple programs of study.
Institution security plan and/or policies
As a State agency, we are under the umbrella of the parent policies of Louisiana community and Technical College System (LCTCS) and Louisiana Office of technology services (OTS).
- BPCC Computer Services Policies and Procedures
- OTS Policies & Forms
- Office of Technology Services
- LCTCS Policies
NOTE: An updated version of BPCC policy is currently under review and should be posted in the next couple of months.
Implementation of the institution IA security plan to encourage IA awareness throughout the campus.
In the Business and Information Technology Division, our students are required to read and agree with the Networking Code.
Banners are used on all student computers reminding them about IA security and other topics along same lines. The current banner says: This computer is private property and is for authorized users only. Unauthorized access is strictly prohibited. Individuals using this computer system with or without authority, or in excess of their authority, are subject to having all their activities on this system monitored and recorded by security personnel. Anyone using this system expressly consents to monitoring of their activities and is advised that if such monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity, security personnel will provide the evidence of such to corporate and law enforcement officials. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Computer Software
Any software loaded onto College computers must support College business. This includes software purchased by the College or by a College employee or student. Computer Services may remove any software from a system that is not licensed, is deemed inappropriate by the Provost, or Chancellor that is in any way detrimental to hardware, software, or the College network.
Computer Network and Telephone Usage Policy/Procedures
Computing resources at Bossier Parish Community College are provided for the use of students, faculty and staff to help carry out the mission of the College. The College encourages and promotes uses of computing and network resources by the College community that support this mission.
Computer systems/electronic information systems include all computer based hardware, and software owned by the College, any communications hardware and software provided by the College for the purpose of accessing its computers, and any computer network governed in part or whole by the College.
Bossier Parish Community College generally provides users access to computer services such as electronic mail and the Internet twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. (The College reserves the right to bring these services down for maintenance as needed.)
Network Usage Policies
Individual groups or projects within BPCC may adopt more restrictive network usage policies that apply to their sub-networks and personnel within their area.
Computer User Accounts
To use the BPCC computer resources, a user must first be assigned a computer account. Students, both undergraduate and graduate, are eligible for an account if they are enrolled at BPCC. All Bossier Parish Community College employees are eligible for computer accounts.
If a computer account has been assigned to a student and the student withdraws from the College, that account is no longer valid and will be terminated. Student accounts will be disabled between semesters. Once a student pays fees for the semester or session account access will be restored for that semester or session. If a student does not reenroll and pay fees for a successive semester the account will be terminated.
Computer accounts for academic and staff personnel will be terminated when the employee no longer has an active assignment within the College community.
Administrative, faculty, and staff user accounts are governed by the department/unit that the employee is assigned to. When the person’s association with the department ends, that account will no longer be valid and will be terminated. Accounts for personnel on leave will be disabled for the duration of the leave period. Transferring from one department to another will not result in termination but rather a commensurate change in governance of the account. Department Heads are responsible for notifying the Personnel office and the Computer Services when an employee terminates employment, takes leave, or moves to another job assignment outside the department/unit.
Acquiring a User Account
To be eligible for a user account, the requester must meet one of the following qualifications:
- Be enrolled in courses as a student at BPCC and have completed the fee payment process
- Be employed as a faculty member at BPCC
- Any exception to the above will require the written permission of the College Provost
- To establish a user account:
- Complete and submit to the Computer Services a Request for User Account form.
- The system administrator or designee will verify that the requester is eligible for an account.
- The System Administrator or designee will open the account and place an associated password and user name on the Request for User Account form
- A copy of the Request for User Account form, containing the new account information, is released to the requester upon proof of identification and receipt of the requester’s signature.
- To establish a user account:
User Policy Summary
Users of College information resources must respect software copyrights and licenses, respect the integrity of computer-based information resources, refrain from seeking to gain unauthorized access, and respect the privacy of other computer users. This policy is applicable to all College students, faculty, and staff and to any others granted use of Bossier Parish Community College resources. This policy refers to all College information resources whether individually controlled or shared, stand-alone or networked. It applies to all computer and computer communication facilities owned, leased, operated, or contracted by the College. This includes word processing equipment, personal computers, workstations, mainframes, minicomputers, and associated peripherals and software, regardless of whether used for administration, research, teaching, or other purposes.
Computer users must respect the privacy of other computer users. The College system provides mechanisms for the protection of private information from examination by others. Attempts to circumvent these mechanisms in order to gain unauthorized access to the system or to private information are violations of College policy and may violate applicable law. System administrators, will authorization from the Director of the Computer Services, may access computer users’ files for critical maintenance purposes or in response to suspected policy violations. System administrators will report suspected unlawful or improper activities to the Director of the Computer Services.
Multidisciplinary Subject
The academic program demonstrates that Information Assurance (IA) is treated as multidisciplinary subject matter with elements incorporated into various disciplines. IA is taught as modules in existing non-IA courses so that nontechnical/non-IA students are being introduced to IA.
Pulled from the BPCC Catalog:
- ALHT 105 Medical Ethics and Law
- Introduces students, in allied health fields, to potential legal and ethical issues which may be experienced in the healthcare environment. Students will discuss the legal system as it applies to the patient, healthcare provider, and medical institution; and review medical ethical and bioethical issues.
- ALHT 109 Health Care Systems and Safety
- Health care delivery systems, cultural diversity, health care careers, employment skills, patient and personal safety issues, emergency preparedness, infection control; OSHA, HIPAA, and current standards for BLS for health care providers.
- BADM 213 Human Resource Management
- Principles and techniques of human resource management with emphasis on planning, developing, selecting, compensating, evaluating, and supervising employees.
- BADM 215 Business Law
- Principles of law relating to legal aspects of business transactions with particular emphasis on contracts. Includes subjects such as bailment, commercial paper, insurance, agency, employment, regulation, property, and consumer protection.
- BADM 216 Small Business Entrepreneurship
- Is designed to provide students with the competencies necessary to prepare them for successful business ownership. This course includes the study of entrepreneurial characteristics, business ethics, basics of financing, marketing fundamentals, product considerations, location and layout concerns, pricing decisions, promotion strategies, and management concepts.
- BADM 217 Organizational Behavior
- A study of individual, small group, organization behavior, and applied treatment of human relations in a business setting; problems of motivation, employee morale, leadership, and communications in goal-oriented activity.
- HCM 205 Risk and Insurance
- A study of pure risk and risk bearing, including insurance and non-insurance methods of handling risks; introduction to life, disability, property, marine, and liability insurance.
- HCM 290 Intern in Healthcare Management
- This course examines healthcare law and the legal system, and the interplay between law and ethics. The course will examine federal mandates and other aspects of patient confidentiality. Students will probe legal issues pertaining to healthcare topics such as modes and institutions for providing medical care, liability of selected providers and review of applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
- TEAC 201 Teach and Learn in Diverse Set I
- This course, the first of a two course sequence, introduces candidates to the field of teaching by focusing on professional responsibilities of educators and the development of elementary school children. Three primary topics will be addressed within the course: Professional Issues for Education Careers, Child Development, and Technology for Teaching and Learning. The course will involve a combination of lecture, group learning, reflection, and site-based experiences within schools.
- TEED 201 Introduction to Digital Electronics & PLC
- An introduction to programmable logic controllers (PLCs) covering installation, programming, and maintaining PLC systems and digital topics include logic gates, truth cables, counters, number systems, and memory systems.
- TEED 208 Intermediate PLC & Lab
- An intermediate course in programmable logic controllers (PLCs) covering programming and maintaining PLC systems, analog sensors, remote input/output, and industrial communications networks. Lab activities are based on Allen-Bradley 5000 systems to provide practical experience with PLCs.
- TEED 260 Mechatronics
- This course covers the fundamentals of digital logic and an introduction to programmable logic controllers (PLCs) in a complex mechatronic system with a focus on the automation system SIMATIC S7-1200 and the appropriate programming software. Using computer simulation, students will learn the role PLCs play within a mechatronic system or subsystem. They will also learn basic elements of PLC functions by writing small programs and testing these programs on an actual system. Students will learn to identify malfunctioning PLCs, as well as to apply troubleshooting strategies to identify and localize problems caused by PLC hardware.
- ENGR 100 Engineering Fundamentals I
- A foundation course which outlines the basic principles of engineering, emphasizes problem solving, computer applications.
- ENGR 101 Engineering Fundamentals II
- A sequel course to ENGR 100 covering electrochemical systems, engineering design, basic fabrication techniques, troubleshooting, sensors, actuators, Arduino programming, SolidWorks, and Matlab.
All Networking/Cyber Security A.A.S. degree students at Bossier Parish are required to take several non-technical courses to encourage a well-rounded breath of knowledge:
- 6 credit hours in Communications, Literature (Composition & Rhetoric 1, Composition & Rhetoric 2, Speech).
- 3 credit hours in College Algebra
- 3 Physical Science (General Chemistry, Introductory Chemistry, Elemental Physics, Elemental Chemistry, Environmental Science, Astronomy, Physical Geology, General Physics, Foundations in Science)
- 3 credit hours in Humanities (Western Civilization, American History, Louisiana History, Humanities, Elementary Spanish, Intermediate Spanish, New Testament Survey, Elementary French, Intermediate French)
- 3 credit hours in Behavioral/Social (Introduction to Sociology, Introduction to Physiology, Physical geography, Cultural Geography, Physical Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, Economic Principles, National Government in the United States)
Bossier Parish Community College is working to extend beyond the normal boundaries of the College/Institution and is bringing current practitioners into the Center. Below is evidence of partnerships with 4-year schools, other community colleges, two-year technical schools, K-12 schools, industry schools, government schools, federal/state agencies, business, industry or non-profit organizations.
Bossier Parish Community College has embraced dual enrollment. The College has been working with five parishes in order to enhance their programs and to benefit the students. The parishes currently involved are Bossier, Caddo, Webster, Claiborne, and DeSoto. Students can attend classes on their own at the main campus and online or off campus at select locations. BPCC encourages rural schools to set up a lab facilitated by a certified teacher where the students can participate online. Through the dual enrollment programs, the high school faculty must meet the credentialing requirements of Bossier Parish Community College.
Bossier Parish Community College offers courses in three main formats: face-to-face, Internet, hybrid (a blend of face-to-face and Internet). Many traditional classrooms also use this system to enhance the learning process. BPCC offers multiple degrees totally online. The college encourages faculty to record their courses; however, it is not required. The teachers who have chosen to do so have received positive feedback from their students.
Bossier Parish Community College supports many clubs. Students in the field established the Cyber Club. The club provides a forum for technical and business leaders to demonstrate products to BPCC students. The Cyber Club also participates in service-learning projects, giving students another avenue to get much needed hands-on training in the field of cyber security. Below are a few of our past presenters for our meetings:
- Lieutenant Colonel Graham H. Todd: Chief of Administrative Law, Headquarters Air Force Global Strike Command, located at Barksdale Air Force Base. He is responsible for providing advice to AFGSC staff and subordinate units on legal issues such as military justice, adverse actions, ethics, policy, and cyber law.
- Shelley Anderson: ICAC, CFCE Lieutenant, Bossier City Marshall’s Office. She is responsible for coordinating and directing the Cyber Crime Force for Bossier City. She also oversees the digital crime lab. The lab is funded by local, state, and federal dollars. She and her staff are certified by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI).
- Dr. Alfred McKinney: Louisiana State University Shreveport, Department Chair of Computer Science. Bossier Parish Community College maintains articulation agreements with LSUS.
- Shawn Rourke: New Tech Computer Systems, New Tech Computer Systems was founded in 1978 to supply affordable, reliable and feature rich pharmacy software to the independent pharmacy community. Today, the products have expanded to cutting edge software and technical solutions for retail, alternate care, and hospital-based pharmacies.
- Craig Spohn: Cyber Information Center, President of Cyber Innovation Center. The Cyber Innovation Center is a 501c3 not-for-profit corporation located in Bossier City, Louisiana. The CIC is the anchor of a 3,000-acre National Cyber Research Park and serves as catalyst for the development and expansion of a knowledge-based workforce throughout the region.
- Steven Miller: Software and Services, Vice President. He is an accomplished senior leader with extensive, diversified management experience in human resources and operations management. He has achieved broad success in process improvement and team development built on an MBA and SPHR certification. Miller is an energetic leader who builds empowered operations teams that consistently exceed expectations while maintaining the highest standards.
In addition students are connecting with industry, we use internships to help students gain much-needed experience in specific fields of study.
Some of our internship locations are:
- General Dynamics
- The Arc of Caddo/Bossier
- Kobus Technology
- The Purple IT Guys
- Bossier Parish Schools
- Webster Parish Schools
- Caddo Parish Schools
- Northwestern State University
- Trust Technology Consultants
- Asteri Networks
- Ingalls Information Security
- Pioneer RX
- Shasta QA
- Technologix
- Xentient Technologies
- Minden Medical Center
- North Desoto Medical
Bossier Parish Community College has worked hard to build collaboration with local business through our advisory board, government with Barksdale Air Force Base, and the local community through various outreach programs.
- Advisory Board
- We have many businesses that we work with in order to be sure that our students are receiving the best quality education that will meet the needs of their future employers. See: Advisory Committee Charter
- These companies include: General Dynamics Information Technology, Xentient Technologies, Cyber Innovation Center, Webster Parish Schools, ECS, Technologix, Willis Knighton, City of Bossier City, Bossier Parish Schools, Barksdale Air Force Network Operations, CyberReef Solutions, Northwest LA Economic Development Foundation, Northwestern State University, Louisiana Tech University.
- Community/Workforce
- Bossier Parish Community College enjoys a rich history of being deeply involved in our community through multiple avenues to include: sports, theater, camps and many other opportunities
- Open events through our Cyber Club and Gaming Club. These two clubs, that are housed in our division, are open to students across the campus not just cyber majors. We use these clubs to help inform and train students in different areas of technology in a relaxed atmosphere. We have found that most students are not receptive to having to look information up on the centers website so content is posted via CANVAS.
- The Division of Workforce Solutions work to continue to expand programs and services and deepen relationships with industry and community partners. Some of these include:
- Patterning with TEM to award seven students a CTEC 101 Scholarship made possible by a STEM Center Grant.
- Serving a large cyber technology company by providing students customer service and sales certification opportunities and a Security+ Prep Bootcamp.
- Providing training for UL Coleman, LLC.
- Provide Barksdale Airforce Base (BAFB) and Global Strike Command five separate types of bootcamps.
- Extending access to Security+ Prep Bootcamp to LATech, LSUS, Bossier Schools, and Caddo Schools staff.
- Partnering with Providence House to provide onsite training that leads to high-wage, high-demand employment.
The information on this page is offered as resources for research and informational purposes. It may not reflect all requirements or guidance in this area and should not be construed as requirements except as noted. BPCC does not endorse any vendor, service, or product. To join in on current discussions and events being hosted, please follow this link to our Eventbrite page to register for events of interest. When you access the links below, you might leave our website.
NIST Computer Incident Handling Guide
Establish computer security incident response capabilities.
US Computer Emergency Readiness Team
Subscribe to US-CERT alerts, report cyber incidents, and get the latest news.
NIST Cybersecurity Framework
Manage and reduce cybersecurity risk. Based on existing standards and best practices.
Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response
Get news and alerts from ICS-CERT, who works to reduce risks across all critical infrastructure sectors.
FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center
The official means for reporting suspected internet-facilitated criminal activity to the FBI.
Connect with the CAE Community
This is a community page for CAE that shares information on projects and events.
FTC OnGuard Online
Tips to help you stay safe and secure online
Phishing Email IQ Test
Don’t get phished! Get smart. Stay ahead of the hackers with this quiz
Home Network Security Best Practices
Common sense guidelines and tips for making your home network more secure
Norton Internet Security Center
Variety of educational articles relating to cybersecurity issues
FCC Cyber Security Planning Guide
A tool for small businesses to create customized cybersecurity planning guides
Cyber Security for Small Businesses SBA Online Course
A self-paced training exercise providing an introduction to securing information in a small business
FTC Small Business Computer Security Basics
Computer security basics to help your small business
Measure and Access Cyber Supply Chain Risk
Interactive tool and informational guidelines to measure and assess cyber supply chain risks
NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework
The NICE Framework categorizes and describes cybersecurity work
A cybersecurity resource hub for everyone
DHS Critical Infrastructure Cyber Community
Voluntary Program helps improve the resiliency of critical infrastructure’s cybersecurity systems by supporting and promoting the use of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework
FBI Infragard
InfraGard is a partnership between the FBI and members of the private sector
Social Engineering
Common techniques and how to prevent an attack
National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies
NICCS tools and resources for anyone seeking cyber education information
Planning for Business Emergencies: Data Breaches Explained
Information and resources on preventing company data breaches
Cyber security competitions are a way for those interested in cyber security to practice their skills in realistic situations. In these competitions, participants race against the clock to fight threats, solve specific challenges, or come up with innovative cyber security strategies. During the competitions, participants will practice working together as a cyber security team and put ethics and policy procedures into action.
There is a wide variety of cyber security competitions, including cyber security contests focused on areas like secure coding, forensics, cryptography, and malware detection. Some contests allow individuals to participate, and some enable remote participation.
Below is a sampling of some that you might want to look into: