Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees are assessed to student accounts near the start of each term. The amount of the tuition and fees are determined in accordance with the student’s enrollment status, the number of semester hours in which the student is enrolled, and the type of course. Some courses may assess additional charges for course materials such as lab supply fees and textbooks that are specific to that course.

For more detailed information about tuition and fees, please refer to the BPCC Catalog.


In-Person Credits Rate
1-12 credit hours $138.96 per credit hour
13-15 credit hours No additional charge
16+ credit hours $138.96 per credit hour, plus Excess Credit Hour Fee
Online Credits Rate
All credit hours $138.96 per credit hour

Fee Schedule FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 2024-2025

Mandatory Enrollment Fees Amount Description
Student Services Fee $7 per credit hour (up to $84, except online) Effective Fall 2011, the Board of Supervisors for the Louisiana Community and Technical College System approved a student services fee at all LCTCS colleges (Revised November 2015).
Technology Fee $5 per credit hour (up to $60) Effective Fall 2010, this fee was approved by the State Legislature and ratified by the Student Government Associations in 1997, Legislative Act 1450. The proceeds are for the purpose of "implementing, replacing, improving, and expanding technologies to benefit student life and learning."
Academic Excellence Fee $7 per credit hour (up to $84) The purpose of this fee is to promote academic excellence by enhancing instructional programs. Approved by the state legislature in 2003, House bill 2708.
Operating Fee $3 per credit hour (up to $36) Effective Fall 2004, state of Louisiana Legislators (House Bill 1062) and the LCTCS approved an operational fee to be assessed at all state colleges and universities to cover operation expense no longer covered by the State.
Building Use Fee $4 per credit hour (up to $48) House Bill 671 was approved by the State Legislature in 2013. Effective fall 2013, the proceeds of this fee are used to construct, repair, maintain, operate or improve the facilities and physical infrastructure of the college.
LCTCS Enterprise Resource Planning Fee $5 per credit hour (up to $60, except online)

Effective Fall 2010, the Board of Supervisors for the Louisiana Community and Technical College System approved a fee to support the implementation and continued operation of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system (Revised November 2015).

Athletic Fee $6 per credit hour (up to $72) Effective Fall 2016, the Board of Supervisors for the Louisiana Community and Technical College System approved a fee at Bossier Parish Community College to support intercollegiate and intramural athletics and the engagement, retention, and graduation of BPCC students.
BPCC Book Pass $25.50 per credit hour BPCC Book Pass is a digital textbook program that provides students with quick and easy access to course materials for a fee of $25.50 per credit hour. This program ensures that all course materials are available on or before the fist day of class. All BPCC students will be automatically enrolled in BPCC Book Pass beginning Fall 2024. Students have the option to opt out of the program on a semester-by-semester basis.


Student Fees Amount Description
Student Activities Fee $55.00 (once per semester) These fees pay for various student activities and athletic events sponsored by the College including, but not limited to, SGA/Student Life events, athletic events, drama productions, and the Savoir Faire literary magazine.
Online Course Fee $40.00 (once per semester if any courses are taken online) Effective Fall 2009, in accordance with Act 307 of the 2009 Regular Legislative Session, and revised in June 2015, the LCTCS Board of Supervisors established a registration fee for all LCTCS colleges for online courses.
Access Fee

$75.00 per semester (not to exceed $150 per academic year)

Effective Spring 2024 semester, as authorized by LCTCS Policy #5.011, this fee will be assessed to all students, at a rate of $75 per semester, not to exceed $150 per academic year. The fee includes but is not limited to the administration, operation, construction, repair, maintenance, security, security improvements & initiatives, operation of traffic, parking & parking facilities, as well as other operational expenses.
Excess Credit Hour Fee $150.96 (per credit hour in excess of 12 online hours or 15 lecture hours)

Effective Fall 2016, the Board of Supervisors for the Louisiana Community and Technical College System approved an Excess credit hour fee assessed on all students registered with 16 or more campus-based credit hours. The fee is 150.96 per credit hour and each additional credit hour.

Payment Information

Thank you for choosing Bossier Parish Community College for your educational endeavors. Students are responsible for payment for classes. If you do not plan to attend, it is your responsibility to withdraw prior to the beginning of the semester from the classes in which you are registered. If you do not withdraw, you will be responsible for full payment.  You may make payment arrangements by doing the following: