Cost of Attendance, the total amount it will cost to attend a college or university. Typically in terms of one school year, calculated by the Financial Aid Administrator, FAA, and following guidelines set by law. Approximate cost of attendance can be found on the current Award Information Form.
The independent student definition created by Congress is strict and is considered controversial by many students and parents. However, Federal regulations related to the classification of a student’s dependency status for financial aid must be followed by school financial aid administrators in determining one’s eligibility for federal and state aid funds. Whether a student lives in his own home or apartment and/or claims himself as an exemption on his federal income tax return has nothing to do with a student being considered independent for financial aid purposes.
The only way a student can become independent for financial aid purposes (which means the custodial parents’ income and asset information are not required on the FAFSA) is if the student meets at least one of the following guidelines.
Expected Family Contribution, number calculated and appearing on the upper right portion of the SAR. This number is used to determine financial need and eligibility for student aid.
An eligible program is a course of study that leads to a degree or certificate and meets the U.S. Department of Education’s requirements for an eligible program. (TCA’s are not approved programs). You must be enrolled in an eligible program in order to receive Title IV aid.
An educational session that first time Direct Loan borrowers must fulfill before the loan proceeds can be disbursed. The Entrance Counseling sessions provides these first time borrowers basic information about student loans and the terms and conditions of the Direct Loan program. Entrance Counseling may be accessed online.
An educational session that Direct loan borrowers must fulfill around the time of graduate or separation from a college. The Exit Counseling session provides the borrower detailed information about the loans he/she borrower, the company that will collect the payment and the repayment alternatives that are available. Exit Counseling may be accessed online.
Financial aid administrator. A School representative responsible for and assisting students in interpreting and completing their federal aid.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid, the form used to apply for federal grants, work-study, and loans. The application may be completed online at: www.fafsa.gov.
Any remaining balance when the EFC (reported on your Student Aid Report) is subtracted from COA (calculated by BPCC). Financial need is calculated by the college and used to determine eligibility for many types of aid.
Financial Need | |
Cost of Attendance | |
- | Expected Family Contribution |
= | Financial Need |
Financial aid awards that do not have to be repaid student. The amount awarded is usually based on need, cost of attendance, and enrollment status.
An electronic version of the Student Aid Report (SAR) sent to Bossier Parish Community College.
Borrowed money that must be repaid with interest.
The binding legal document you sign when you apply for a federal Direct a student loan. It lists the conditions under which you are borrowing and the terms under which you agree to pay back the loan. It will include information about your interest rate and about deferment and cancellation provisions.
When you sign the Master Promissory Note, you are confirming that you understand that your school may process new loans on your behalf for the duration of your education (up to 10 years) without having you sign another MPN. You are also agreeing to repay all loans made to you under the terms of the MPN. Therefore, it is very important that you completely read and understand all of the information on the MPN before you sign it.
- You are not required to accept the full amount that your school awards you.
- You may notify your school if you want to borrow a lower amount than the school has awarded you.
- You can decline the entire loan amount.
Financial aid award for undergraduate students that does not have to be repaid and is based on information on the SAR, cost of education, and calculated need.
A regular student is one who is enrolled or accepted for enrollment at an institution for the purpose of obtaining a degree, certificate, or other recognized educational credential offered by the institution. Generally, to receive financial aid from federal programs you must be a regular student. Students who have not completed all Admissions requirements are admitted provisionally and are not considered a regular student until all requirements are met. Provisionally admitted students are NOT eligible for Title IV aid.
Satisfactory Academic progress, federal, state and BPCC academic requirements a student must meet to be awarded financial aid.
Student Aid Report, created and mailed to student after the Free Application for Federal Student Aid is processed. The application may be completed at: www.fafsa.gov.
Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, federal grant awarded to the neediest of Pell grant recipients. The award is based on need.
Borrowed money that must be repaid, the government pays the interest while the student is in school at least half-time and during grace and deferment periods.
The borrower is fully responsible for paying the interest that accrues on the loan. Interest on an Unsubsidized Loan accrues from the date of disbursement and continues throughout the life of the loan.
Bossier Parish Community College issues refunds through BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit this link for more information.
- Information explaining the BankMobile Disbursements Refund Service and how is works for the student.
- To view our third-party servicer contract for refund management, click here.
Education after high school involves your time, money, and effort. It is a big investment that carries with it many rights and responsibilities. In applying for financial aid, you accept certain rights and responsibilities. Failure to comply with your responsibilities may result in the cancellation or reduction of your financial aid.
- What financial aid programs are available such as grants, Direct Loans, Federal Work-Study; State Aid; and Scholarships.
- How to apply for aid and how eligibility is determined.
- The deadline for submitting applications for each of the programs.
- How financial aid is determined in general.
- The requirements for continued eligibility.
- The cost of attending BPCC.
- The resources considered in calculating the individual financial need.
- BPCC’s Return and Repayment of Title IV aid policy.
- The financial aid disbursement procedures.
- The details regarding any loan offered.
- The satisfactory academic progress requirements and procedures for aid recipients.
- The general conditions and terms under the federal work-study program.
- Appeal procedures for financial aid decision.
- Information about the student’s rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
- Terms of, schedules for, and the necessity of loan repayment and required entrance counseling and exit counseling.
- Terms and conditions under which students receiving federal education loans may obtain deferments.
- Inform the Financial Aid Office of any change in enrollment status.
- Meet and maintain satisfactory academic progress requirements.
- Complete all application and requested forms accurately and submit them on time.
- Provide correct information (misreporting information on financial aid forms is a violation of the law and may be considered a criminal offense).
- Use financial aid funds solely for educational purposes.
- Promptly return all additional documentation, verification, corrections, and new information requested by the Financial Aid Office or the agency to which you submitted. your application
- Inform the Financial Aid Office and Admissions Office of any name, address, or Social Security number change.
- Read, understand, and keep copies of all forms that you are asked to sign.
- Inform the Financial Aid Office of any income change, including earnings, scholarships, waivers, private loans, etc.
- Repay all loans according to the terms agreed upon at the time the loan was accepted and the promissory note signed.
- Declare a degree objective (major) and to only enroll in classes that are part of this associate degree or certificate offered by BPCC. Financial aid cannot pay for classes that do not count towards that degree objective (major) at BPCC.
Acceptance of your financial aid award indicates that you agree to comply with the rules and regulations that govern the programs for aid as well as the policies of this institution. Your award is subject to change if corrections or revisions are made to the information you provided on your applications for aid.
Funds are awarded based on anticipated hours for the upcoming semester. The initial award amounts are based on full time enrollment and subject to change due to change in enrollment status. Please note this award is based on enrollment in an approved Title IV eligible program.
It is your responsibility to read and understand all “Terms”, “Terms and Conditions”, and “Rights and Responsibilities” prior to accepting federal financial aid awards.
If you receive additional funds not listed on your Award Notice (scholarships, departmental awards, etcetera) report them immediately to the Financial Aid Office. Your aid may be adjusted as a result of these funds. You will be notified in writing of any resulting changes in your eligibility for aid.
You must not be in default on any federal educational loans, or owe any refunds on federal grants received at any post-secondary institution to receive federal student aid.
Funds received through financial assistance programs may only be used for educationally-related expenses incurred for the academic year. All federal aid (with the exception of FWS) will be applied directly to your institutional charges, which may include: tuition, fees, housing and other allowable charges. Funds in excess of these charges will be paid to you within 14 days of the existing credit balance, unless otherwise authorized by you in writing.
Generally you must be enrolled as a regular student in an eligible program to receive financial aid. Because aid programs can have specific enrollment requirements (i.e. must be enrolled six hours, etc…), be sure to check your awards for their minimum enrollment status requirements.
Withdrawal from coursework may jeopardize your current and future financial aid eligibility. If you withdraw or are asked to withdraw, you must inform the Financial Aid Office immediately. Depending on the length of your enrollment for the academic period, you may be required to repay all or part of the aid you received.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is the measure of a student’s successful completion of coursework toward a certificate or degree. Federal regulations require schools to monitor cumulative grade point average and the percentage of coursework completed at least once a year. Students who fail to achieve minimum standards may lose their eligibility for federal, state and institutional financial aid programs. You must read and understand the BPCC SAP policy.
You must only enroll in courses that will lead to a degree or certification and it must be your intent and purpose to obtain a degree or certification at Bossier Parish Community College.
Federal financial aid funds may be paid for repeated coursework previously taken in the program but may not include more than one repetition of a previously passed course. This means courses for which you have passed with a grade of D or better can only be repeated once in your enrollment status to count for Federal Financial Aid funding.
Federal financial aid for Pell grants is paid on attending hours. Students enrolled in sessions may not be eligible for their full disbursement until subsequent sessions begin. Disbursement for sessions will occur ten (10) days after the class begins and is determined after the instructor confirms you began attending the class.
Acceptance of your financial aid award indicates that you agree to use any funds you receive under the federally assisted loans, grants, or work-study programs only for expenses related to your study at Bossier Parish Community College.
Federal Financial Aid enrollment requires:
- You must be enrolled in an eligible degree program and
- You must be enrolled in eligible courses that apply to your degree program
Federal Direct Loans
You must be enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours that apply to your degree program.
Federal Work-Study (FWS)
You must be enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours that apply to your degree program.
Federal Grants (Pell grant, SEOG)
Students eligible for grants do not have to enroll full time to receive grants. Grants are prorated based upon the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) from the FAFSA and eligible hours enrolled.
All FRESHMEN, first time borrowers must complete Loan Entrance Counseling for Undergraduate Students before loans will be originated.
All student loan borrowers must complete and submit a Master Promissory Note (MPN) electronically every 10 years unless inactivated by student.
All Federal Direct Loans must be disbursed in two separate disbursements regardless of length of loan period. Students attending both Fall and Spring semesters will receive two disbursements; one in the fall semester and one in the spring semester. Direct loans for students who are attending only one semester in an academic year (fall only, spring only, or summer only) will be divided into two disbursements; the first disbursement at the beginning of the semester and the second disbursement around mid-term.
Bossier Parish Community College issues refunds through BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit this link for more information.
Information explaining the BankMobile Refund Service and how is works for the student.
To view our third-party servicer contract for refund management, click here.
Incarcerated students are not eligible for federal financial aid.
An incarcerated student is a student that is serving a criminal sentence in a federal, state or local penitentiary, prison, jail reformatory, work farm or similar correctional institution. A student is not considered to be incarcerated if they are in a halfway house or home detention or is sentence to serve only weekends.
The U.S. Department of Education established regulations to prevent fraud and abuse in the Federal Student Aid program by identifying students with unusual enrollment histories. Some students who have an unusual enrollment history have legitimate reasons for their enrollment at multiple institutions. However, such an enrollment history requires our office to review your file in order to determine future federal financial aid eligibility. If selected by the Department of Education, this must be resolved before you will receive financial aid.
The specific pattern the Department of Education uses to select students includes those students who have received a Federal Pell Grant and/or Federal Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized loan at multiple institutions during the past four academic years. Once the Department of Education indicates that a student has an unusual enrollment history, the Financial Aid office must then take action and review the academic history prior to determining federal financial aid eligibility for that student.
If selected, our office will notify you of what is required. You will need to submit official transcripts, to the admissions office, from all previous institutions attended. We will check your financial aid history at all previous institutions that you attended during the last four financial aid years. You are required to have received academic credit at ALL institution you received the federal Pell grant or Federal Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized loan while attending in those relevant academic years. We will notify you which institutions you need to request official transcripts from for our office to review. These official transcripts should be sent to the admissions office. No aid will be determined until all required documentation has been received. Once all transcripts have been received, our office will verify the academic credit was received at each institution during the relevant year. If so, we will notify you that you have satisfied this requirement. If you failed to receive academic credit at any institution where you received a federal Pell grant or Federal Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized loan during the relevant award years, your federal financial aid will be denied and you will be notified.
If you were denied because it was determined that you did not earn academic credit at all schools during the past four academic years, we will mail you an Unusual Enrollment History Appeal Form. You may appeal by submitting an acceptable explanation describing why you were unable to successfully complete the credits, as well as corresponding documentation. This appeal will be reviewed by our office and we will notify you of the decision. These decisions are final and are not appealable to the Department of Education.