Completers Grant

What is the Completers Grant?
The Completers Grant provides scholarships to students who have completed at least 30 credit hours towards their declared associate degree or who are completing eligible short-term credentials. Funds are available for Fall 2022, Spring 2023, and Summer 2023 terms.

Student Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for the Completers Grant, a student must:
- Be a Louisiana resident
- For credit programs, students shall meet the enrolling institution’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy
- For non-credit programs, students shall successfully complete course(s) sufficient to continue in their program of study as determined by the institution
- Be enrolled through the 14th class day for a semester school (9th class day at a term school)
Frequently Asked Questions
The Completers Grant, funded by the Louisiana Board of Regents, is designed to incentivize near-completers in high demand fields (healthcare, and other Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields and teacher education) at Louisiana’s public two- and four-year institutions to earn their undergraduate degree and to incentivize enrollment in and completion of short-term credential programs at two-year institutions. Although priority is given to healthcare, STEM fields and teacher education, all programs are eligible for funding.
You must:
- Be a Louisiana resident
- Be enrolled through the 14th class day for a semester school (9th class day at a term school)
- For credit programs, students shall meet the enrolling institution’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy
- For non-credit programs, students shall successfully complete course(s) sufficient to continue in their program of study as determined by the institution
You must meet one of the criteria listed below:
- Must have completed at least 90 credit hours toward a declared bachelor’s degree, or
- Must have completed at least 30 hours toward a declared associate degree, or
- Completing an on-ramp credential and/or credential of value program as identified by the Louisiana Workforce Commission
Your school will determine if you meet the eligibility criteria and whether you will receive a Completers Grant.
Awards shall be limited to tuition, fees, and instructional materials as set forth on the student’s fee bill. Institutions shall not award the maximum amount set for the program of study if that amount would exceed the student’s cost of attendance as defined in the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. The suggested minimum award amount should not be less than $100.
Your school will determine how much you will receive.
The State allocation amount for this program is $13.3 million dollars across the four Louisiana public college systems.
If you received the Completers Grant during the 2021-2022 academic year, you may receive a Completers Grant award during the 2022-2023 academic year if you meet the eligibility requirements.
For the 2022-2023 academic year, you may receive the Completers Grant for a maximum of three semesters/terms, Fall 2022, Spring 2023 and Summer 2023.
All public institutions in the state are participating in the program. This includes all schools who are part of the LSU system, the SU system, the UL system, and the LCTC system.
Awards for the Completers Grant for the 2022-2023 academic year will begin starting the Fall 2022 semester.
The allocation amount for this program is $13.3 million dollars. The Completers Grant will be available until all funding is exhausted, or June 30, 2023, whichever is later.
Students pursuing an initial associate’s or bachelor’s degree are eligible. Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree after having received an associate’s degree are eligible. Students pursuing a second associate’s degree, or a second bachelor’s degree are not eligible.
If you have a student transferring from one of your system colleges to another and the student was awarded the Completers Grant at their previous school, they should be granted the opportunity for the Completers Grant at the new college.
There should be no instances where a student receives a refund from the Completers Grant. In cases of an over-award, the Completers Grant should be reduced to allow for the other financial aid (other than loans). Completers Grant awards should be viewed semester by semester and not on the academic year because these students may not be enrolled the entire academic year.
Students who are in default and have made satisfactory payment arrangements and are now Title IV eligible are also eligible for Completers Grant. The student must provide the school with proof of Title IV eligibility. The school must maintain documentation that the student was eligible for Title IV aid when the funds were awarded.
Yes. If you used resources such as cash, a debit or credit card to cover your cost of tuition, fees and instructional materials as stated on you fee bill, your college can award you the Completers Grant in the amount of those eligible charges.

For more information on the Completers Grant, visit Louisiana Office of Student Financial Assistance (LOFSA) or email