Physical Therapist Assistant
Physical therapist assistants (PTAs) provide physical therapy services under the direction and supervision of a physical therapist. PTAs help people of all ages who have medical problems, or other health-related conditions that limit their ability to move and perform functional activities in their daily lives. PTAs work in a variety of settings including hospitals, private practices, outpatient clinics, home health, nursing homes, schools, sports facilities, and more. PTAs must complete a 2-year associate’s degree and are licensed health care providers. Examples of care provided by a PTA include (but are not limited to) teaching patients/clients exercise for mobility, strength and coordination, training for activities such as walking with crutches, canes, or walkers, massage, and the use of physical agents such as ultrasound and electrical stimulation. For a more complete description of careers in physical therapy, refer to the American Physical Therapy Association website.
The Physical Therapist Assistant Program at Bossier Parish Community College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE), 3030 Potomac Ave., Suite 100, Alexandria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email:; website: If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call 318-678-6110 or email one of the PTA Program advisors: Ms Bryant , Ms Cox, or Ms Emory.
Program Overview
BPCC’s PTA Program consists of a Pre-PTA component and a Clinical component. Students may work at any pace (part time/full time) to complete the pre-PTA courses and other requirements. When the pre-PTA courses have been completed (with a “C” or better), students apply for admission to the clinical component. Applications for the clinical component of the program are taken each spring, with a new clinical class beginning each summer. The program is designed so that a full-time student may complete the pre-PTA component in 1 year and the clinical component in 13 months.
Program Mission
The PTA Program is committed to:
- Provide an accredited program of instruction in Northwest Louisiana and the surrounding area for students who desire to pursue education in physical therapy at the associate degree level.
- Serve the needs of the regional physical therapy community through graduating well-qualified physical therapist assistants to work under the direction of physical therapists in a variety of clinical environments.
Admission to the Program
Admission to the Clinical PTA Program is based upon a competitive selection process that occurs once a year. All applicants are ranked by the PTA Clinical Selection Committee on predetermined criteria that are both academic and non-academic. Cumulative GPA for eligibility to apply is 2.50 or higher. Qualification course GPA must be 2.5 or higher with a “C” or better in all required courses. The Clinical Application Packet includes additional eligibility requirements, detailed instructions, deadlines and procedures for clinical application. The top ranking 20 applicants are offered admission to the Clinical PTA Program that begins in the summer semester, session “C.”
Bossier Parish Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, qualified disability, marital status, veteran’s status, or sexual orientation in admission to its programs, services, or activities, in access to them, in treatment of individuals, or in any aspect of its operations. Bossier Parish Community College does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices. More information on our policy.
Special Requirements
- Students who are selected for the clinical component of the PTA Program must be available for daytime, evening and occasional weekend classes.
- Clinical PTA students must be prepared to complete one or more full-time clinical rotation/externships (4-5 weeks in duration) at an out of town facility.
- Students selected for PTA clinicals must adhere to the PTA Clinical Requirements related to additional tests/immunizations required, documentation submission and policies/procedures of the division/program.
- Students selected for PTA clinicals pay a clinical fee, in addition to regular tuition, each clinical semester.
- Students selected for PTA clinicals must attend a full-day orientation the week before classes begin. Date for this orientation will be provided to students in their selection letter.
Click here to view the PTA program curriculum.
Program Goals And Expected Outcomes
Goal #1: Provide a comprehensive and effective curriculum informed by outcomes.
Expected Outcomes:
- Graduate performance on National Physical Therapy Exam Content Areas meet or exceed the National Mean.
- Students and graduates will achieve 100% of the Program Learning Outcomes.
Goal #2: Admit, retain and graduate competent, knowledgeable PTAs who achieve licensure and gain employment.
Expected Outcomes:
- 90% of all admitted PTA students will graduate with the Associate of Applied Science degree in PTA
- BPCC PTA Licensure Pass-rate on the National Physical Therapy Exam will exceed CAPTE requirement of 85%
- 90% of all program graduates will be employed within 1 year
Goal #3: Prepare students & graduates to provide high quality patient care.
Expected Outcomes
- Clinical Instructors evaluate student PTA performance during internships to be 4/5 on all clinical performance indicators
- Employers are 95% “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with the performance of program graduates
Program Data
2021-2022 | 2022-2023 | 2023-2024 |
2-year average |
Number of Graduates | 20 | 18 | 13 | 15.5 |
Graduation Rate | 100% | 90% | 72.2% | 81.6% |
Number taking Licensure Exam | 20 | 18 | 13 | 15.5 |
Pass Rate on Licensure Exam | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |
First Time Pass Rate on Licensure Exam | 95% | 94.4% | 92.3% | 93.5% |
Employed within 1 year | 100% | 100% | Data Pending | -- |
Pre- PTA Component, 2 Semesters minimum: Although the number of semesters needed to complete the pre-PTA component may differ for individuals depending upon the need for remedial coursework and the number of credit hours taken per semester.
Clinical Component, 13 Months/4 Semesters: The clinical component of the PTA program is only offered in a full-time format. Matriculation for the PTA Program begins with the C session of Summer and concludes in the following year after the Summer A session. Students must be available for class every weekday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with occasional evening and weekend hours additionally required.
NOTICE: It is the responsibility of the applicant to carefully read all of the information on this page to ensure that program requirements and deadlines are met to satisfy eligibility. Please be advised that all qualifying Human Anatomy and Physiology lecture and lab courses (8 hours total) must be completed no more than five years prior to the application deadline.
- Complete all BPCC Admissions Forms
- Transfer students must complete requests for official transcripts to be sent to the BPCC Admissions Office from all previously attended institutions
PTA Application Eligibility Requirements
You are ready to begin your application when you have:
- Completed no less than 12 college hours of PTA qualification coursework (half in Natural Sciences) or show satisfactory mid-semester progress with at least a 2.5 GPA and a “C” or better in each qualification course.
- Verified that all official and final transcripts from other institutions have been received by the BPCC Admissions Office and that applicable transfer courses are accessible in LOLA and visible on your BPCC transcript.
- Verified that you have a minimum of a 2.00 cumulative GPA on all attempted college coursework.
- Verified that your Human Anatomy and Physiology lecture and lab courses (8 hours total) were completed within 5 years of the application deadline.
- Registered online to complete the ACT WorkKeys assessments at the BPCC Testing Center prior to April 15. (see detailed description below.)
- Preregistered for all remaining PTA qualification courses with potential to finish in the spring semester.
Register online for ACT WorkKeys
DO THIS: beginning in the fall semester but no later than April 15
- PTA Application process requires two ACT WorkKeys – PTA assessments: ACT WorkKeys Graphic Literacy (formerly called Locating Information) and ACT WorkKeys Workplace Documents (formerly called Reading for Information) If you took them previously under the old name, those scores will continue to be accepted.
- Once complete, ACT WorkKeys scores remain eligible for submission in the current or future application cycles. Should an applicant choose to retest, there is a limit of two attempts per assessment per application cycle.
- Register online for the ACT WorkKeys assessments by following this link to BPCC’s Testing Center’s online registration.
- Under the header Schedule an Exam select BPCC’s Testing Center as your testing location. The Testing Center is located in Building D Room 203.
- Choose a Group – PTA applicants need to select ACT WorkKeys – BPCC Physical Therapist Assistant. When you select this group you will be taken to information that should be read before you proceed with scheduling your appointments.
- Once you read the disclosure, you will be prompted to Choose an Exam, Choose a Date, and Choose a Time for your appointment. Complete the registration process on this page by supplying all required information. As you near completion, you will see a section called Acknowledgements for ACT WorkKeys – Physical Therapist Assistant Program. Read this information carefully and indicate with the check-box that you agree to follow the testing guidelines.
- The cost for each assessment is $18.50. You can schedule one assessment at a time, or you can schedule both assessments on the same day. Each assessment will require a separate registration, but can be paid for together when you check out.
- BPCC testing center appointments are available on Tuesdays, Thursdays, some Fridays and some Saturdays.
- You should print a copy of your registration and bring it to your testing appointment along with one valid government–issued ID.
- After you complete the exams, the Testing Center will give you a copy of your score reports. Please keep your copies. You are required to submit a copy of your scores for both ACT WorkKeys assessments along with the Program application.
- If you would like more information about ACT WorkKeys or to schedule practice tests, please visit the ACT WorkKeys web page. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact BPCC’s Testing Center at or 318-678-6002.
To Submit your PTA Program Application:
- Contact Ms. Bryant or Ms. Cox by email requesting a review of your transcript and eligibility requirements. You will be informed if there are additional requirements that must be completed prior to submitting the application form.
- Print and retain a copy of the PTA Essential Requirements Form for your records. You will be asked on the Program Application Form to state that you have “read and acknowledge understanding of the Essential Requirements for the BPCC PTA Program."
- For more information about PTA Selection can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions section
- Submit a scanned copy of your WorkKeys Score Reports to Ms. Bryant or Ms. Cox by email.
- The Application Form will only be accessible between October 15 and April 15 of each application cycle. Click on the link below to complete and submit your application.
Observation/Volunteer Experience
For your application packet to be complete, you are required to complete 40 hours of physical therapy observation, volunteer or work experience in two different physical therapy settings under the supervision of two different licensed PT/PTAs. Contact Ms. Bryant or Ms. Cox by email or phone for more detailed instructions about completing observation hours.
- Work/Volunteer Experience must be less than 12 months old at the time of application packet submission.
- Plan and start early –All observation hours must be complete by the April 15 deadline.
- Observation hours completed with a family member will not be accepted.
- If you work as a physical therapy technician or have recently participated in a student internship at a PT clinic, those work hours are eligible.
- Call ahead and make an appointment at a PT clinic or facility of your choice. Introduce yourself as a BPCC student and a PTA applicant that needs to schedule observation hours.
- Keep a LOG of your days/hours and who you observed with using the form below.
- Leave a COPY of the observation log form with the PT/PTA at the conclusion of your observations so that they have your name, total number of hours and the instructions for completing the Clinical Observation Rating Form (CORF).
- Do not contact the PTA program to see if your CORF was received. You will be contacted as the deadline approaches if anything is missing from your packet.
- PTA Observation log
Available appointments for testing and packet submission may be limited close to the published deadlines. Please schedule early when eligibility requirements are met.
- April 15 – Program application deadline; Deadline to register online for ACT WorkKeys.
- May 1 – Clinical Observation Rating Forms deadline; ACT WorkKeys score submission deadline.
- May 27, 2025 – PTA Interviews; A mandatory 2-part interview process will be conducted in person. All applicants will receive notification by email of their eligibility for interview. Details regarding times and locations will be provided in the correspondence.
Revised 11/21/2024
1st Summer |
Fall |
Spring |
2nd Summer (7 cr. Hours) |
Annual | |
Tuition and Fees* | $633 | $2911 | $2633 | $1337 | $7514 |
Clinical Fee | Ø | $300 | $ 300 | $300 | $ 900 |
Science and Allied Health Lab Fee | $25 | $25 | $25 | Ø | $ 75 |
Allied Health Lab Insurance | $6 | $6 | $6 | Ø | $18 |
Drug Screen Fee | $30 (to occur a minimum of once randomly) | $30 | |||
Physical Exam and required vaccinations, titers, boosters** | Up to $350 | N/A | N/A | N/A | Up to $350 |
Clinical Facility Specific Requirements (additional lab tests, additional background check/drug screens, uniforms, etc..)** | N/A | Up to $150 | Up to $150 | Up to $150 | Up to $450 |
Uniform (Scrubs, Lab Jacket, Etc.)** | N/A | ~$100 | ~$50 | N/A | ~$150 |
Books** | ~$150 | ~$400 | ~$50 | Ø | ~$600 |
Health Insurance (maintained throughout program) | $ varies | $ varies | |||
APTA Membership | $80 | Ø | Ø | Ø | $80 |
Professional Fees (see breakdown below) | Ø | Ø | Ø | $1072 | $1072 |
Semester Totals | $11239 |
Professional Fees
PTA Student in the final summer semester should plan for these additional Professional Expenses:
FSBPT Licensure Exam Registration Fee |
$485.00 |
Testing Site Fee for FSBPT Licensure Exam |
$82.00 |
Louisiana Board of Physical Therapy Fees:
$505.00 |
Total | $1,072 |
View the CAPTE Financial Fact Sheet and Student Debt Summary. Get more information on scholarships and grants available through BPCC.
*Tuition costs include mandatory enrollment fees.
Bossier Parish Community College is proud to have an excellent, fully accredited PTA Program. The PTA Program is accredited by CAPTE (the Commission on Accreditation of Physical Therapy Education), which is a requirement for graduates to be eligible to sit for the national PTA licensure exam. We encourage you to research the criteria for accreditation and view the most current list of accredited programs here.
After completion of the PTA clinical program, graduates are required to take and pass the National Physical Therapy Examination to be eligible to apply for a license to practice as a PTA in the state of Louisiana.
For data related to BPCC PTA Program graduate success on licensure exam refer to the Program Data Chart.
Absolutely. While the majority of our applicants and clinical students live and plan to work in this area, we encourage and are in fact actively recruiting students from other regions of the state. Job availability and salaries continue to grow in those communities not served by a local PT or PTA program and we receive frequent calls from rural hospitals and clinics seeking PTA graduates. If you are from out of town and are interested in pursuing a PTA degree from BPCC you are encouraged to contact a PTA advisor for additional information and to request a personalized transcript review.
Our program has a high reputation in the community and our graduates have a high rate of employment. While the job market and salaries in the Shreveport-Bossier City area are very good, the available jobs and salary ranges in more “rural” areas outside Shreveport-Bossier City tend to be even higher. For specific data regarding employment statistics of BPCC PTA Program graduates, refer to the Program Data Chart.
More information on the job descriptions, job outlook and salaries for PTAs can be found on the website for the Bureau of Labor Statistics web site.
The majority of the pre-PTA curriculum for this Program may be completed at any accredited 4-year university or community college (near your home). In addition, one or more of the 4 scheduled clinical practice experiences/“externships” that occur during the clinical component (final year) of the program (each 4-5 weeks in length) may (**depending upon availability) be scheduled in hospitals/PT clinics in or near your hometown. Your required time in Bossier would include:
- A 4-week summer semester (BPCC summer session “C”) for the first 2 courses (3 credit hours) of PTA clinical curriculum (PTAP 200 and PTAP 201). Courses during this semester meet from 3 to 5 days a week.
- A 10-week condensed fall semester for didactic (class/lab) PTA clinical curriculum (PTAP 202, PTAP 203, PTAP 203 and PTAP 205). Courses during this 10-week period meet 5 days a week.
- A 4-week clinical externship in the fall semester that is typically scheduled to occur in/around the Shreveport-Bossier area.
- A 10-week condensed spring semester for didactic (class/lab) PTA clinical curriculum (PTAP 212, PTAP 213, PTAP 214, PTAP 215 and PTAP 217). Courses during this 10-week period meet 5 days a week.
- A 5-week clinical externship in the spring semester that **may be scheduled in the Shreveport-Bossier area (or depending upon availability **may be scheduled outside of Shreveport-Bossier).
- A 9- week clinical externship (occurring as 4.5 week rotations at 2 separate facilities) in the summer semester that may be scheduled in the Shreveport-Bossier area (or depending upon availability may be scheduled outside of Shreveport-Bossier).
**Decisions regarding clinical externship placements are made based upon multiple variables including clinical site availability, objectives for the clinical practice course(s), and program goals for individual student performance/needs. No guarantees can be made regarding the geographic location of each clinical placement and any student selected for the clinical program must be aware that he/she may be assigned to facilities in Shreveport-Bossier or outside of Shreveport-Bossier. Arrangements regarding transportation to/from assigned clinical facilities, housing arrangements for out of town clinical experiences, or any additional costs incurred related to clinical externships are the responsibility of the student.
While it is likely that within your degree you have taken some or even most of the pre-requisite course requirements, there is a strong possibility that you may be lacking one or more of the required classes. You should request that a PTA advisor review your transcript and help you identify what may be missing. Additionally, if a significant amount of time has passed since the completion of your degree, your advisor may recommend re-taking or auditing particular courses so that your knowledge in that content is current.
Selection for admission to the Clinical PTA Program is competitive and limited to the top 20 scoring applicants each year.
Phase I—Academic Scoring and Initial Applicant Ranking
- The PTA Clinical Selection Committee will rank each applicant on the following predetermined academic criteria:
- Science and General Education Qualification Course Grades
- ACT WorkKeys Scores
- Cumulative GPA
- The top ranking 50 applicants will be invited for an interview and will be eligible to move into phase II of the selection process.
- All applicants will receive notification of their status.
Phase II—Non-Academic Scoring and Final Applicant Ranking
- The PTA Clinical Selection Committee will rank each applicant on the following predetermined non-academic criteria:
- Interview scores
- Written essay
- Clinical Observation Rating Form Scores
- Academic Rating Form Score
- These scores will be added to the previously computed academic score
- The top ranking 20 applicants will be offered a position in the PTA Clinical Class that begins in summer semester, session “C”
- All applicants will receive notification of their status.
We accept a maximum of 20 students per year into the clinical phase of the PTA Program. The Program usually receives and reviews around 60 applications.
We encourage any applicant not selected for the clinical program to meet with a PTA advisor to review strengths/weaknesses of their application packet. Options for students not selected include (a) pursuing another allied health program at BPCC (b) working on improving an application score with re-application to the PTA program the following year (c) working toward completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in a related field or (d) investigating PTA Program application at another institution.
The pre-PTA component of the program has only those costs associated with regular tuition per credit hour which is the same for all BPCC students. Once accepted into the clinical component of the program there are additional costs related to clinical fees, uniforms, immunizations, etc.
You can find out about resources available through BPCC at the Financial Aid Scholarship page, and resources available through the American Physical Therapy Association.
Physical Therapist | Physical Therapist Assistant |
Education: Doctor of Physical Therapy (a Graduate School Degree) | Education: Associate Degree |
Starting Salary: approximately $60,000 in Shreveport, LA | Starting Salary: approximately $38,000 in Shreveport, LA |
Responsibilities: Evaluate patients/clients, Develop plan of care, Treat and reassess patients, Supervise the PTA | Responsibilities: Work under the supervision of physical therapist, Treat patients |
Patient Conditions Treated (Examples): Stroke, Spinal Cord Injury, Sports Injuries, Back Injuries, Work-related , Injuries, Neurological Disorders, Heart Attacks, Following Surgery, Physical Trauma, Pediatric Developmental Delay | Patient Conditions Treated (Examples): Same as Physical Therapist |
Work Place (Examples): Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Home Health Agencies, Private Practices, School Systems | Work Place (Examples): Same as Physical Therapist |
Requires Licensure Exam To Work: Yes | Requires Licensure Exam To Work: Yes |
Schools That Offer Training: Louisiana State University Health, Shreveport, LA / Louisiana State University Health, New Orleans, LA | Schools That Offer Training: Bossier Parish Community College / Our Lady of the Lake Community College (Baton Rouge, LA) / Delgado Community College (New Orleans, LA) / Kilgore Community College (Kilgore, TX) / South Arkansas Community College (El Dorado, AR) / Louisiana College (Pineville, LA) |
There are opportunities for a licensed PTA to continue higher education to ultimately become a physical therapist. For the most up-to-date information and the institutions that offer PTA to DPT transitional degrees, see the list of CAPTE Directory of Accredited Programs.
- Contact a PTA advisor to answer any questions related to the Program and request a transcript review. While you are welcome to call, the most efficient way to correspond and receive responses is by email.
- Apply online, or contact the admissions office on the main campus of Bossier Parish Community College at 318-678-6004 to request an application for admission to the college. Be sure to mark “PTA” on the application as your field of study so you will be assigned a PTA advisor.
- Visit the Cavalier Connection Guide for information about new student orientation, tuition and fees, student services, available courses and sessions, and dates for registration.
- Request information on financial aid by visiting the Financial Aid web site, the Financial Aid Office in building F, room 226, or by calling 318-678-6026.
While the pre-PTA (pre-clinical phase) coursework can be completed in a variety of formats (ex: part-time or full-time; day or evening classes), students once accepted and enrolled into the clinical phase of the Program must be prepared to commit to a full-time day program schedule. While there is some variability based on guest speaker availability, field trips, conferences, and clinical site hours, most typically a PTA clinical student would be expected to be available for the following:
First Summer Semester of the Clinical Program
- class/lab only (no clinical externship hours); classes meet on BPCC campus 3-4 days per week (7-8 hours/day) for a 5 week session.
Fall Semester of the Clinical Program
- class/lab on BPCC campus for 9-10 weeks of the semester meeting 5 days per week (7-8 hours/day)
- clinical externship 4 weeks in length during which the student works the full-time schedule of the supervising PT or PTA (40 hours per week); this may include early am hours, evening hours and weekend hours and possible travel outside the Shreveport-Bossier area
Spring Semester of the Clinical Program
- class/lab on BPCC campus for 9-10 weeks of the semester meeting 5 days per week (7-8 hours/day)
- clinical externship 4 weeks in length during which the student works the full-time schedule of the supervising PT or PTA (40 hours per week); this may include early am hours, evening hours and weekend hours and possible travel outside the Shreveport-Bossier area
Final Summer Semester of the Clinical Program
- 9 weeks clinical externship during which the student works the full-time schedule of the supervising PT or PTA (40 hours per week); this may include early am hours, evening hours and weekend hours and possible travel outside the Shreveport-Bossier area
Contact Information
Ms L. Bryant, PT, M.Ed.
PTA Program Director
Ms K. Cox, PT, M.Ed.
PTA Clinical Coordinator